Las Vegas Shooter Earned Millions Playing VIDEO POKER? (Video)

Friday, October 20, 2017 by

The “official” story of Stephen Paddock claims that he earned millions of dollars by playing video poker. Yet video poker machines don’t pay out more than they take in. So where did all this earnings money really come from?

Podcast Transcript: “I’ve got another major question that I think could blow a hole in the official story here about Steven Paddock – the Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas shooting. I mean this is a major question. It’s a mathematical question that you will find absolutely intriguing. I want to say, first of all, I want to thank everybody for listening to these podcasts and reading our articles. We’ve had one article reach over 8 million views and it’s because people in the comments, people are saying, “I never thought of that. I never looked at that photo that way. I never asked what’s not in the photo.” You know, people are really, really encouraging us in the independent media to think outside the box. I just got to say on the record here, before I get into all of this, I think it’s my lab science training that has made me even more of a very, very critical thinker. Because I’m in the lab doing this all the time. We’re looking chemical analyses, were doing mass spectrometry, we’re solving problems, we’re seeing what’s not there, what is there, look at the spectra, look at the extracted ion chromatograph… I actually think that’s made me a better journalist. It’s just a side note. But getting back to Steven Paddock… Here’s what is odd about this story to me…” Listen to the full podcast below:

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Las Vegas shooter earned millions playing VIDEO POKER? from NaturalNews on Vimeo.


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