Friday, November 17, 2017 by Martin Mavis
Don’t be surprised when things rapidly change in the days ahead. A “tipping point” has been reached for a tidal wave of radical changes. You may not even recognize tomorrow.
Podcast Transcript: “I’m truly convinced that the world you think you know today, will not be structured. It will be radically different, let’s say in ten years. We are approaching so many tipping points for humanity. The common thread behind all of this – that has really just sort of occurred to me – is we now have distributed grassroots transparency that’s working its way into everything. Just think for example all these sex scandals that are happening with Hollywood – Kevin Spacey being accused and Harvey Weinstein… all that coming out. 60 women have now accused him or something like that. It’s a big number. Well, this never would have happened if the internet had never been invented, because the Hollywood centralized press or the corporate Hollywood press, would have controlled the narrative and would have covered up for powerful Hollywood people. Hollywood as an industry didn’t want that information to come out. It’s only because of individuals and their ability to communicate independently – like blog sites, web sites, tweets even. It’s only because of that, that the truth has come out about Harvey Weinstein. This realization can be applied to so many areas…” Listen to the full podcast below:
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Tagged Under: Tags: decentralization, economic news, independent media, politics, revolution, shifting paradigm, tipping point, transparency, world events