Tuesday, November 21, 2017 by Martin Mavis
Civil war may be coming to America in the years ahead, most likely following the election results of 2020 or 2024.
Podcast Transcript: “A few thoughts about the coming civil war. We’ve talked about this before. By the way you could catch more news about it at CivilWar.news – which is not updated that frequently, but it is very specific to civil war topics. When Donald Trump won the election, the Left promised a civil war. Before the election, when there was the possibility that Hillary Clinton might win, there was also a lot of talk of civil war on the Right. Well, my most recent analysis on this – or my thoughts on this – are simply this… The civil war is still coming. It’s just been delayed. You see we are living in two Americas now. We don’t have anything that binds us together really as a country. We don’t have a common culture anymore. The people on the West Coast, and to a large extent the East Coast, do not live in the United States of America that the rest of America experiences – flyover States as they’re called – working-class America… Especially the political elite on the East Coast, they do not live in reality. They live in their own fabricated world. And of course, on the west coast, California, they’re living in their delusional fairy tale land as well. There’s college campus safe spaces, snowflake zones, gun-free zones and everything else. It’s not the real world and thus they cannot really participate in a democracy rooted in reality. That has been proven by the results of the election last year when Trump won. The Left continued to imagine that he had not won and in their own minds they convinced themselves that his win was illegitimate. As a result since then, we’ve only seen increasing divergence. We have not seen the nation come together. We’ve only seen the nation being further spread apart and in large part, because of the intense hatred pushed by the mainstream media. The media has become an institution of hate and the Left has become an institution of hate and intolerance. The Democratic Party is really technically a hate group now. They just hate on everybody…” Listen to the full podcast below:
Stay informed at CivilWar.news or Patriot.news
Tagged Under: Tags: antifa, civil war, Hillary Clinton, Left-wing, President Trump, secession