Friday, December 01, 2017 by Martin Mavis
The sex abuse bombshells you’ve heard about are only the tip of the iceberg… there are many MORE women who were abused but who haven’t yet NAMED their abusers!
Podcast Transcript: “As all these rumors are flying and accusations about sex perverts, Hollywood and Al Franken – the senator the Democrat from Minnesota – and others like Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein and so on. You gotta realize there are a lot more women who you’ll never hear from on these things, because they went along with it – like they traded sex for let’s say a movie role with Harvey Weinstein. They don’t want that to be known. I mean obviously they probably feel ashamed or embarrassed about that. They were pressured into it and they were exploited, but many of them went along with it. I mean a lot of the actors that you see in Hollywood today that happened to be physically attractive, very likely made it there by doing the deeds with certain gatekeeper people like Harvey Weinstein. You’re not going to hear from those people because they’re ashamed of it. They’re not going to come out and say, hey they did systematically, repeatedly traded sex for movie roles. So, the problems that actually exist out there in terms of perversion from Hollywood, in politics and so on are way bigger than what has come out. That’s that’s really the emphasis of this podcast – that there’s a lot that has come out. I mean it’s been a bombshell and a tidal wave of accusations against many different powerful people – mostly men. And yet it’s my belief that that is probably a tiny sliver of the real scale of this problem…” Listen to the full podcast below:
Learn more at CelebrityReputation.com
SEX SCANDALS: What about all the women who remained SILENT? from NaturalNews on Vimeo.
Tagged Under: Tags: al franken, Anthony Weiner, bill clinton, Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, rape, sex abuse, sex perverts, women