GUN CONTROL False Narratives Deconstructed (Video)

Thursday, February 22, 2018 by

Mike Adams deconstructs the false narratives of the gun control crowd.

Podcast Transcript: “It’s totally shameful that after every shooting event immediately the gun control people start pushing their false narratives about gun control. In this podcast, I’m just going to cover a few of the language of manipulations and logic manipulations that are used by the gun control crowd. First is the term ‘gun violence.’ You hear this all the time. They say ‘gun violence’ is bad. If you don’t think critically about it, it sounds like it makes sense. All the guns are committing violence. But guns don’t commit violence, because they are inanimate objects. They don’t have souls or brains. They can’t make decisions. You never hear, let’s say if there’s a machete, a wave of machete deaths in some country where people are slaughtering each other, different tribes are warring, the different factions are killing each other with machetes. You don’t hear it called a ‘machete violence’ problem. Do you? Or if people run around stabbing others with knives and swords, you don’t hear it called ‘knife violence’ or ‘sword violence.’ No. It’s odd that whenever the weapon is not a gun the person is blamed. Again, if people are killing each other with machetes nobody blames the machetes…” Listen to the full podcast below:

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GUN CONTROL false narratives deconstructed from NaturalNews on Vimeo.


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